Fybromialgia is a long term health condition currently affecting 2.5 million people in the UK. Women are seven more times likely to develop it than men.

About Fibromyalgia
It is still unclear as to what causes Fibromyalgia, once believed to be psychosomatic, it is now hypothesised that neuro-chemical imbalance is the cause.
Many people suffering with the condition can often attribute the start of their symptoms to a specific life event such as trauma, injury, an operation, illness, bereavement and relationship breakdowns.
Such events can put the immune response into overdrive, causing long-term imbalances in the body.
These imbalances cause many symptoms such as chronic pain, fatigue, reduced concentration, headache, migraine, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, stiffness, depression and anxiety to name a few.
What can relieve these symptoms?
Daisy's Magic Drops has been found to help elevate a multitude of symptoms related to Fibromyalgia. It can decrease pain, help stiffness and mobility, aid relaxation and sleep, reduce inflammation and aid concentration by helping the bodies imbalances by binding to receptors.
Fibromyalgia sufferers may benefit from small, regular doses of Daisy's Drops throughout the day starting at 2-3 drops three times a day.
Daisy's Magic Balm has also shown great results when used directly on painful areas of the body. It can also elevate skin conditions which often come hand in hand with such auto-immune conditions like psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema.