Migraines are classed as a disabling illness and headaches are amongst the most common neurological reason for A&E attendance. It is estimated that some 10 million people suffer from migraine in the UK.

A migraine is caused when changes in blood flow to the brain and scalp occurs. Narrowing blood vessels alter nerve signals, resulting in painful headaches that are often one sided alongside throbbing, auras, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound, sensitivity to touch, nausea and vomiting are some of the symptoms caused by migraine.
Migraines can be debilitating, lasting from 4 to 72 hours long and causing disturbances in speech and vision which can be frightening. The condition is considered chronic when a migraine occurs at least 8 times per month.
Once a migraine occurs a chemical change in the brain is initiated, our Endo System attempts to release neurotransmitters to restore balance and calm these changes.
How can Daisy's Magic Drops help?
Daisy's Magic Drops can help restore these changes and restore balance in our system, helping neurotransmitters to calm the change in blood flow to the brain and blood vessels.
How to use?
It is recommended to use a prophylactic, low dose regime to treat recurring migraine, 2-3 drops twice daily. If and when migraine symptoms occur, a further dose is recommended. This should be administered as soon as the first sign of migraine arises.
It is also beneficial to use Daisy's Magic Balm and oil topically. Both can be applied directly to the temples, forehead, neck and shoulders where they are absorbed through the skin to activate receptors.
Tension and Cluster headaches are usually shorter in their duration. Tension headaches are common and usually mild to moderate in severity. As Daisy's Drops are an excellent stress reliever, they can relieve the severity of headaches caused by stress and tension.
Cluster headaches often happen multiple times per day and last between 5 minutes to 3 hours at a time. They are felt temporally, periodically and usually accompanied by flushing, sweating, watery eyes and stuffy nose.
As cluster headaches occur in the hypothalamus, a region of the brain rich in receptors, Daisys Magic Drops are a favourable treatment. The pain caused by cluster headaches is often intense and can affect a person's quality of life, therefore anxiolyitic and antidepressant values of Daisy's Magic Drops are important.